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WHITES . . BLACK KNIGHTS . . BARLESS BARONS. . ZIPPY REDS Youngsters from Diploma Winners or Proven breeding pairs $75 each (March-July) Youngsters directly off RACE WINNERS $ 100.00 Each. Breeders range from $ 85.00 to $ 150.00 Each *YOUNGBIRD KITS AVAILABLE* Premium Young Bird kits of six (directly off 1st place) $ 600 Standard Young Bird kit of ten $ 750 (off diploma winners or proven breeding pairs of diploma winners) All AU banded and fully pedigreed Shipping $60.00 1 bird/$70 for 2 birds/$85 for 3 birds/$140 for 4 birds/$175 for 5-6 birds, $ 290 for 7-15 birds Includes Postal approved shipping box valid for shipping in the U.S. Will ship internationally through U.S Connection exporting service for additional cost (serious inquiries only) I DO NOT SACRIFICE QUALITY FOR QUANTITY !
AU 11 175 Blue Check Cock Sire is #684 who was 1st overall Grand Champion Show Des Moines IA Racing Pigeons and one of my Anthieren Janssens. Dam is straight old line Hanssene. #175 is a full brother to diploma winners for me, and has a nice red/green breeding eye. If you are looking to add performance to your loft that wins 100-600 miles, this is the bird. Price is $125 plus shipping and comes pedigreed SOLD
AU 11 429 Splash Hen Full sister to 1st 200M Minneapolis Club and 3rd overall Twin Cities Combine vs 478 birds in 2011' old birds. #429 is also a full sister to multiple diploma winners. She is down from one of my Hanssene hens paired up to a Antherien Janssen cock. #429 is medium built with a red/green breeding eye. Price is $100 plus shipping and comes fully pedigreed. SOLD
AU 12 IEIC 373 Silver Cock Exceptionally bred bird that is also a proven racer himslef. Sire is direct son of Rioger Mortvetd's hit pair that consisted of Roger's 1st AU Nat'l Champion "991" in 101-130L category. Dam is off a mother/son mating (inbred #1020) that was 1st AU Nat'l All Distance in 2008' in entire American Racing Pigeon Union. #373 is loaded with AU Champions/top hall of Fame Winners in AU data base, as well as being an accomplished racer himself. He is medium built with a pearl eye, and will breed winners for many years to come. Price is a steal at $225 plus shipping, and comes fully pedigreed SOLD
AU 14 IEIC 280 Splash Cock Sire is bred by Brian Crossen who was 1st overall master flyer 2X, 1st overall Champion Bird 2X 1st overall average speed winner 2X, 1st overall champion loft 2X in 2010' & 2011' in 395 concourse (one of largest concourses in U.S.A.). #280 is grandson to his "0648" hen that is Spetz 209 line and was 1st vs 4,123B, 1st vs 2,955B, 1st vs. 1,134B, 1st vs 1,033B, 4th vs 4,052, 4th vs 3,197B, and 7th vs 2,514B etc. as well as being an Elite AU Champion. Dam to #280 is "Mosiac 419" that is Persoon/Spetz 209 line and is a direct daughter of 1st overall Bridgeport winner on bottom side and off a 1/2 brother to San Diego Classic Winner of $29,000 on top side. #280 is medium built with a pearl eye and comes with a pedigree loaded with performance. Price is $175 plus shipping SOLD EC
AU 13 IEIC 3272 Slate Cock Top quality bred bird that is loaded with top performance pigeons thorughout his pedigree. Sire is "Hot Shot" bred by Brian Crossen who in 2010' & 2011" won 1st Champion Sprint Loft, Bird of Year, Average Speed, Master Flyer, ect flying in 395 Concourse whihc is one of the largest in the U.S."Hot Shot" mother is non other than "0648" that was 26X in top 3% with partial race record of 1st vs 4,123B, 1st vs 2,955B, 1st vs 1,134B 1st vs 1,033B, 4th vs 4,052B, 4th vs 3,197B, 7th vs 2,514B, 12th vs 3,575B, 4th vs 810B etc. and was 1st and 3rd AU National Hall of Fame. Dam to #3272 is "Violet Eyes" that is a direct daughter of 6th AU Nartional All Distance Winner (that is the 6th best pigeon in entire U.S.A. in old birds). Price is $175 plus shipping and comes fully pedigreed. SOLD
SIX PACK OF AU BANDED Blue Bar & Blue Check Breeders For a limited time, I am offerring a six pack of AU banded breeders that are all Janssen based (Houben/Van Reet/Ganus/Fabry/Janssen) and for $210 plus shipping. That comes out to only $35 each. The birds in photo aren't actual birds for sale obviously, but you get the idea. Great opportunity for someone starting out on a limitted budget and looking to get some top quality birds. Have had many reports back from customers who have won with youngsters off these six pack breeder kits from 2020'-2024'. These birds DON"T COME PEDIGREED at these prices.
AU 14 IEIC 319 Red Cock Beautiful bird that is medium built and has red/yellow eye. He is well balanced in the hand. Sire is an opal that is a direct son of "Guaranteed' that was 1st Y2K Auction Race winning $2,200 and daughter of "Mauricio" who was 6th National AU Hall of Fame and a registered AU Champion. Dam to #319 is a yellow going back to my yellow family that is Trenton/Hackemer Janssen based. Price is $125 plus shipping and comes fully pedigreed
AU 10 137 WHT Cock Direct son of "Back Lash Cock" (Au 07 Whiteracers 267) who was 1st 470M, 3rd 272M, and 4th 272M, as well as being 2nd overall Champion Bird in GSR club in 09' old birds. Dam is AU 06 whiteracers 1402 who is still currently on my race team and has been raced out to 600 miles. She is down from some of the best of my Anthieren Janssen blood when paired up with #3693 who was a top white for my friend Jim Bowder before he got out of the sport. Whites don't get much better bred performance wise than this bird. Price is $175 plus shipping.
AU 14 IEIC 329 Indigo W/F Cock Sire is straight Bastine and son of a 500 mile day bird race winner. Dam is Jemal Janssen with a touch of Gordon blood. #329 is medium built, very well bred long distance based bird that has a red/yellow eye. Price is a steal at $125 plus shipping and comes fully pedigreed SOLD
AU 12 313 Splash Cock Down from one of my top Whiteracer breeding pairs. #313 was equal 1st 300 miles for me in the Mid-Minnesota One Loft Race this last year. He is slightly above medium built with a dark or what some refer to as a bull eye. He comes fully pedigreed and down from some of the best I have. Price is $175 plus shipping SOLD
AU 13 612 Splash Hen Straight old line Buitta that comes fully pedigreed. She is very inbred and is medium/smaller built with a crest on the top of head due to inbreeding. The Buittas are long distance based and great for outcrossing with Meulemans and my Whiteracer family. #612 has a dark pearl eye and an eye catcher in the loft. Price is $125 plus shipping SOLD PT
AU 13 611 Splash Hen Straight old line Buitta that comes fully pedigreed. She is very inbred and is medium/smaller built with a chestnut eye. Buittas are long distance based and great for outcrossing with Meulemans and my Whiteracer family. Price is $125 plus shipping SOLD
AU 07 D Kuhn Whiteracers 361 Splsh Cock 361 is a direct son of "Mr Des Moines", one of my foundation Whiteracer breeders. Dam is 7186 splsh who is a direct daughter of one of Roger Mortvedt's top flying whites in 2001' OBs with a top finish of 6th concourse 528M vs 327B from 46 Lofts. 361 is a full brother to AU 2002 MRR 2422 who was 1st Solid White Old Cock class in Des Moines 04', AU 2002 2362 1st Solid White Young Cock Louisville National Young Bird Show 02', and nestmate to AU 05 D Kuhn Whiteracers 785 white cock who was Best White at the Hutchinson MN show in 05'. When it comes to racing, 361 is a full bother to multiple diploma winners for me from 150-560M. The Mr Des Moines line wins both racing/showing and excell at the distance races. This is the best of the Kuhn Whiteracer family and should be foundation quality. Price is $150 plus shipping SOLDg.
AU 12 Whiteracers 326 Black Hen Sire is #251 alias "Winner Fantastic" who was 1st 150 miles and one of my top yearling racers in 08' old birds before being stocked. Dam is #179 who is down from my Black Kight family and has raced out to 600 miles. #326 is medium built with a red/yellow eye and comes fully pedigreed. Price is $150 plus shipping SOLD
AU 11 444 Mottle Cock Medium built with a nice red/yellow eye. Sire is a direct son of my foundation cock "Domino" who was a multiple diploma winner for me and my top old bird racer in 02' old birds. He was eventually sold for $2,500. Dam is straight Pepperman which is excellent at the distance or bad weather races. Price is $175 plus shipping. SOLD AB
AU 10 218 Red Cock Sire is "Winner Fantastic" that was 1st 161 miles club as well as being 8th club 121M as a yearling and my most consistent yearling racer for 2008' old birds (never raced as a youngbird). Dam is AU 08 Whiteracers 151 recessive red Meuleman that si currently on my race team and has been raced out to 300 miles. She is related to many of my race/diploma winners from distances of 100-400 miles. #218 is medium built, has a nice pearl eye, and directky off a race winner. Price is $100 plus shipping and comes fully pedigreed. SOLD PD
AU 11 213 White Cock Sire is inbred Bandit Janssen going back to famous "White bandit" that was 17X 1st. Dam is 10 whiteracers 119 who is down from some of the best of my Whiteracer family that wins 100-600 miles. #213 comes fully pedigreed and has a pearl eye. Price is $175 plus shipping SOLD
AU 09 359 Opal Check Hen Sire is #28046 opal who is a full brother to 3 money winners for 3 diferent flyers and is long distance based (Lumachi/Coudou based). Dam is #1507 who is another opal and is down from winners for Joe Carini and also has the Coudou blood in her pedigree. Price is $125 plus shipping and comes fully pedigreed. SOLD AM
AU 07 D Kuhn Whiteracers 53 Black Cock #53 is medium/larger built , with a pearl eye. Sire is #09115 who is Anthierien Janssen and related to many of my winners (Antherien Janssens are what I have crossed in with just about all my colored families that I specialize in and are some of the best racing pigeons I have ever owned). Dam is #1222 who is directly off Minnesota Silver who was in the clock for me 100-450M including an 11th vs 1,383B in the Minnesota State Race for me in 01' when paired up with a grandson of "Domino". Price is $150 plus shipping and comes fully pedigreed. SOLD
AU 10 223 WGRZZ Hen Sire is AU 09 Whiteracers 102 who is currently on my old bird race team and one of my favorite cock birds. He is directly off #220 who was one of my most consisten white racers in 03' YBs. Dam is AU 06 Whiteracers 1423 who was my top solid white racing hen in 09' Old Bird witha top finish of 2nd vs 105B 10 lofts 161M (took 1st with loft mate AU 07 Whiteracers 237 WHT hen) and was 14th overall Champion Bird. #223 is medium built with an "apple body" and has a pearl eye. Price is $100 plus shipping. SOLD
AU 11 494 Splash Hen Sire is #391 who was 1st Overall Grand Champion Show Des Moines IA Racing Pigeons and one of my Anthieren Janssens. Dam is straight old line Hanssene. #494 is a full sister to diploma winners for me, and has a dark or what some refer to as a bull eye. If you are looking to add performance to your loft that wins 100-600 miles, this is the bird. Price is $125 plus shipping and comes pedigreed SOLD SC
AU 07 D Kuhn Whiteracers 412 BLK Splash Cock Medium built with a rich red eye that has a full green circle of correlation. Sire is #4799 who is a off an uncle/neice mating to my foundation cock "Domino" who was a multiple diploma winner 100-450 miles and my best old bird racer in 02'. Dam is #473 who is straight Pepperman and one of my origianl Peppermans from Harold Wong (Peppermans have been instrumental in my Black Knight family and are one of the strains that originally made up the Black Eagle strain in South Africa). Price is $150 plus shipping and comes fully pedigreed. SOLD RS
AU 08 352 WHT COCK Sire is "Firecracker Cock" who was Champion Old Bird 08' for me with multiple diplomas from 100-400M including a 1st 200M club. "Firecracker Cock" is a direct son of "Dynomite Cockl" who was Champion Old Bird 05' which inlcuded a 1st 450M club. Dam is #1379 who raced out to 450M for me and one of my most consistent Whiteracer hens. Price is $250 plus shipping and comes fully pedigreed. SOLD
AU 07 D Kuhn Whiteracers 352 BB Cock 352 is a medium built, with a pearl eye. 1/2 brother to Champion Birds for me in 03' and 04' in my club and directly off an AU Convention money winner (dam was money winner bred by Elmer Domke who won the AU Convention Race a couple years later). Sire is 2858 who is directly off a 600M daybird top side when paired up with a 1st 450M bottom side, as well as being a grandson to 007 alias "Mrs Bond" a 4X 1st winner from 200-600M. Dam to #352 is 0527 who is a money winner in the 97' AU Convention Race and mother to numerous diploma winners including Champion birds for me in 03' and 04' flying in the GSR Racing Club. Pedigree is loaded with performance and price is $125 plus shipping. SOLD
AU 11 Red Barless W/F 44 Cock Medium/smaller built with a nice pearl eye. #44 is a true barless bird unlike many of my other barless which are spread ash. He is 1/2 brother to a yellow check that was almost a daybird for me in 07' old birds from 580 miles that clocked in at 6AM second day. Sire is #1906 who is directly off a 2X 600 mile diploma winner including once on the day. Price is $175 plus shipping and comes fully pedigreed. SOLD RR
AU 07 D Kuhn Whiteracers 437 BRLS Hen Medium/smaller built with a rich red/green eye (good eyesign). Sire is my foundation blue barless cock "Baron King" when paired up with "Blue River"who was one of my top blue barless racers in 02' YBs with a top finsish of 3rd vs 229B 275M and just two minutes behind my 1st and 2nd place winners on that race. #437 comes fully pedigreed and is $150 plus shipping. SOLD
AU 12 255 Pied Black W/F Hen She is medium built, and has a pearl eye. She is down from my Black Knight family going back to my foundation cock "Domino". This line wins 100-600 miles and in all different types of weather conditions. Price is $125 plus shipping and comes fully pedigreed. SOLD RN
AU 08 Whiteracers 231 BRLS Cock Foundation quality blue barles cock who is a direct son of my foundation pair Baron King/Blue Girl. #231 has a red/green eye and is medium built with good overall body conformation. Sire is my top breeding cock "Baron King" who has produced multiple dipoma winners for me. Dam is "Blue Girl" who was 3rd 276M vs 229B in the club (just two minutes behind my 1st & 2nd place winner). #231 comes fully pedigreed and is down from some of the best blue barless racing stock in the U.S. Price is $175 plus shipping. SOLD
AU 08 369 WGRZZ Cock Dam is #961 alias "Farrah Hen" who was 1st for me at 150M this year and has been one of my top white racing hens the last two years in a row now. Sire is #329 who is still currently on my race team and a direct son of #981 who was 1st 150M for me in 07' whne I raced the double schedule in old birds (nothing but winners in the pedigree). #360 comes fully pedigreed and has a red/green eye. Price is $200 plus shipping. SOLD
AU 12 84 Black Splash Hen Beautiful bird that is medium built, and has a pearl eye. She is down from my Black Knight family going back to my foundation cock "Domino". This line wins 100-600 miles and in all different types of weather conditions. Price is $150 plus shipping and comes fully pedigreed. SOLD BH