Below are many proven performance racers that come with copies of actual race results or paper work when possible. I am constantly asked about proven racers being offerred for sale, and finally am offerring many racers with proven race results with many years ahead of them breeding. These birds being listed below come from myself as well as some of my friends in the sport who are successful racers themselves. There are alos many One Loft Race birds listed that have completed a 200M & 300M race series. This is finally your opportunity to get proven racing stock, which obviously is more likely to produce more proven racers for you once they are in your breeding loft. Birds sold on this page with race results listed come with copies of race results ONLY, unless noted otherwise in description!!!
AU 19 Purple Heart 920 Opal Bar Hen Top performance was 19th vs 526 birds 36 lofts 200M this year (6-5-2020) which is in top 4%. She is medium built with a pearl eye, and proven racer. Price is a steal at $55 and comes with copy of top race result SOLD
AU 16 RRP 1688 Blue Bar Cock 4th equal 1st vs 80 birds 6 lofts at 130 miles in 2017' old birds. #1688 is medium built with a red/yellow eye. Price is $60 plus shipping SOLD
AU 19 Shipman 3 Blue Bar Ludo Claessen based bird that is medium built with a red/yellow eye. Her top finish was 6th vs 216B 11L 107M on 8-17-19 young birds. If you are looking for a well bred, proven racer, this is one I'd suggest. Price is $50 and comes with copy of race result.
AU 16 RRP 1626 Blue Check W/F Cock 1st club vs 78B 6 lofts at 223M, 5th equal 1st club vs 80B 6 lofts at 130M in 2017' old birds. He is medium built with an orange/yellow eye, and is part of a major loft reduction of an active racing loft that had 7 club wins in 2017'. When performance and wins is hwat racing is all about, this is your opportunity to get one that wil breed for many years to come. Price is a steal at $125 plus shipping and comes with race results.
AU 20 MPC 909 Silver Cock Proven racer that had a top performances of finishing in top 6% with a 9th vs 151 birds at 260M 8 lofts, and top 8% with a 15th vs 183 birds 260 miles 8 lofts as a youngbird. he is medium built with a red/yellow eye, and comes with copies of his race results. If yiou are looking to add a proven silver racer to your breeding loft, this is one I'd recommend. Price is $55 plus shipping SOLD
AU 15 MM 927 Indigo Bar Hen Nestmate was 6th overall average speed in 200M & 300M One Loft Race Series. #927 raced the 2 race series out to 300M, and is medium built with a pearl eye. Price is $60 plus shipping SOLD
AU 19 Purple Heart 48 Blue Bar Hen Special banded for the Purple Heart futurity and raced out to 300M as a young bird. She is part of a complete dispersal of an active racing loft's race team. She is medium built with a red/yellow eye and down from a long line of proven racing stock. Price is $40 plus shipping SOLD
AU 17 TSR 189 Red Check Cock Excellent proven racer that comes wit copy of race result and part of a complete loft dispersal sale. He was 6th vs 152 birds 150M (on drop with winner). He is medium built with a red/yellow eye. Price is $60 plus shipping SOLD
AU 19 SilverLoft 215 Red Hen Very nice bird whose top performance was 8th 150M club 8-24-19. #215 is down from a long line of proven racers and is part of a complete loft sell out, from one olf the top racing lofts over the last 50 plus years in the Twin Cities area. She is medium built with a chestnut eye and is Sion/Stassart/Imbrecht/Coudou based. Price is $45 and comes with copy of top race result SOLD
AU 16 GSR 6237 Blue Check Cock 4th club vs 82B 6 lofts at 117 miles. Part of a complete loft sell out from a competitive loft that took 1st Champiion All Distance in 2017' Old BIrds, 2nd Overall Master All Distance Old Birds in 2017' Old Birds, 2nd Champion Loft in 2016' Old BIrds, and Young Bird Champion Loft in 2014' just to name a few accomplishments of this family of birds. #6237 is medium built with a red/yellow eye, and was raced out to 400 miles. He comes with original diploma. Price is a steal at $65 plus shipping
AU 17 JEDDS 9874 Grizzle Cock 18th vs 166B 175M club. He is medium built with a pearl eye and was bred for special futurity race. Was raced in every young bird race in 2017' and down from excellent racing stock. Was banded for special futurity race. Price is $55 plus shipping, and comes with top race result.
AU 18 Purple Heart 441 Blue Check Hen Money winner in Purple Heart Futurity as a YB taking 22nd vs 336 birds 41 lofts (there were 1,000 plus bands sold for that futurity). #441 is medium built with a red/yellow eye and comes with copy of Purple Heart Race result. Price is $45 plus shipping SOLD
AU 19 Silverloft 201 Pencil W/F Cock Top race result was 2nd vs123 birds 27 lofts 100M this year 5-24-2020 and has been a very consistent racer. He is part of a complete loft sell out ofone of the top racing lofts with 50 plus years in the Twin Cities area. He is medium built with a red/yellow eye. Price is $50 plus shipping and comes with a copy of top race result. SOLD CP
AU 15 MM 355 Pied Blue Bar W/F Cock Nice bird that is medium built with a red.yellow eye. He was flown in 200M & 300M One Loft Race Series, and down from long distance racing stock. He is bred by one of the top distance racing lofts in Minnesota, and great for someone on limitted budget looking to improve their stock. Price is $40 plus shipping SOLD
AU 18 Gold Band 642 Pied Check W/F Hen Outstanding bird that in my opinion is foundation quaklity. She was special banded for the "Gold Band Futurity" and was just out of the money when it was a smash race. Her top finish was 2nd club 100M on 9-1-18. She is medium built with a red/gold eye, and is part of a complete loft sell out of one of the top racing lofts over the last 50 plus years in the Twin Cities area. She was going through body moult when picture was taken. Price is a steal at $55 plus shipping, and comes with copy of top race result. SOLD RF
AU 18 Gold Band 646 Blue Bar Hen Just out of the money on Gold Band Futurity race as a young bird when it was a smash race that year with less than the number of birds clocking in the prizes due to inclement weather. She is part of a complete loft dispersal of one of the top racing lofts in the Twin Cities area for over 50 years. #646 is medium built with a pearl eye. Price is a steal at $45 plus shipping SOLD DH
AU 18 Purple Heart 499 Grizzle Cock Raced every young bird race in 2018' out to 300M and part of a loft reduction sale. He is medium built with a red/yellow eye and comes with a copy of parent's pedigrees. Sire bred 1st Heartland Federation 600M winner and only daybird in 2015'. Dam is direct daughter of "50 Diploma Cock" who won 50 diplomas between club/combine before being retired when paired up with "1666" who produced Twin City Concourse middle distance "Ace Pigeon" in 04'. Price is $75 plus shipping SOLD RM
AU 14 MM 8600 White Grizzle Hen Beautiful bird that flew in the One Loft Race series which consisted of a 200M & 300M. #8600 has a dark or what some refer to as a bull eye and is medium built. If you are looking to add color to your loft or in the white bird release business, and want a bird in your breeding program with good homing ability, this is your bird. Price is $60 plus shipping SOLD SD
AU 15 MM 1022 Blue Check W/F Hen Flown in One Loft Race series which consisted of a 200M & 300M races. She is medium built with a red/yellow eye. She is down from proven racing stock, and will add some great breeding potential to someone on a limitted budget. Price is $40 plus shipping SOLD
AU 18 SPW 5 Blue Check Cock Raced every race in 2018' young birds out to 300 miles, and part of a loft reduction sale. Sire is linebred to super breeding hen called "Wonder Woman" that is also a full sister to 1st Heartland Federation 200M vs over 700 birds. Dam is direct daughter of "Total Recall" that was 1st 300M Gold band Futurity and the next year was 1st 300M Twin Cities Concourse 300M from opposite direction. #5 is medium built with a red/yellow eye and is Meuleman based. He comes with copies of parents pedigrees. Price is $55 plus shipping SOLD DH
AU 14 URPC 464 Red Check Cock Part of a complete loft sell out of one of the top racing lofts over the last 50 plus years in the Twin Cities area. He is Sion/Stassart/Imbrecht/Coudou based and obviously comes from a long line of proven racers. #464 is medium built with a red/yellow eye. If you are looking for a proven racer, this is your bird. Price is $40 plus shipping SOLD
AU 14 PV 4131 Grizzle Hen Raced out to 300 miles this last year in the AU Convention Race held in Nebraska. Birds like this that made it through all training tosses, hawks, and race schedule are obviously better than many other non flown/road tested birds. This is a great opportunity for someone to pick up a well bred bird, at a reasonable price as fanciers only send what they consider their top racers to these futurities. Price is $55 plus shipping SOLD DB
AU 12 Best Bred 2049 Blue Bar Cock 1st 250 miles for the late Ted Givens. Both parents of #2049 were excellent racers for Ted as well. #2049 is medium built with a rich red/yellow eye, and excellent body overall body conformation. Where else can you buy a proven racer that can not only win racing on race day, but in a show as well. Price is $150 plus shipping SOLD
AU 17 Purple Heart 176 Blue Bar Cock Flor Engles based bird that is medium built, has a pearl eye, and was raced out to 300M as a young bird. He is part of a major loft reduction sale, and is very well bred. Sire is off a full sister to 1st combine 150M, 3rd Combine 200M, 2nd combine 200M, 7th combine 300M, and eq 1st combine 200M. Dam was 7th Champion Bird in entire Twin Cities Combine in 2015' and is a direct daughter of Champion YB Greater Seattle Club in 2011' on top side. Price is $60 plus shipping, and comes fully pedigreed. SOLD BW
AU 14 URPC 282 Blue Check Cock Very nice bird that was raced out to 200M & 300M One Loft Race series. He has a pearl eye and was just over an hour out from winner on tough 300M. Price is $40 plus shipping SOLD
AU 15 MM 623 Pied Check W/F Cock Flown in One Loft Race series which consisted of a 200M & 300M races. He is medium built with a red/yellow eye. He is down from proven racing stock, and will add some great breeding potential to someone on a limitted budget. Price is $35 plus shipping
AU 14 TRW 1151 Blue Bar Cock Beautiful bird that was in One Loft Race series that consisted of a 200M & 300M. He was a very consistent racer and got better as distance got further out. Price is $40 plus shipping SOLD
AU 14 GSR 4383 Blue Check Hen 2nd club vs 129 birds 9 Lofts 100M, and raced out to 400 miles. She is part of a complete loft dispersal sale from an active racing loft that took 1st Champiion All Distance in 2017' Old BIrds, 2nd Overall Master All Distance Old Birds in 2017' Old Birds, 2nd Champion Loft in 2016' Old BIrds, and Young Bird Champion Loft in 2014' just to name a few accomplishments of this family of birds. #4383 is medium built with a pearl eye, and coems with copy of race result. She is a very nice bird, and has been a multiple clock bird. Price is a steal at $40 plus shipping SOLD
AU 15 LCR 5118 Blue Check Hen Flown in One Loft Race series which consisted of a 200M & 300M races. She is medium/smaller built with a pearl eye. She is down from proven racing stock. Price is $30 plus shipping SOLD
AU 18 292 Slate Grizzle Cock Ganus "Rocket" bloodlines based bird. Was flown in every race in young bird season out to 300M as a youngbird, and special banded for Purple Heart Futurity (series included three 300M races). He is medium built with a pearl eye. Price is $50 plus shipping SOLD PT